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Dynamics 365

Moving businesses forward with Microsoft Business Applications in Australia

Today we’re in Melbourne, Australia for our Microsoft Business Forward event where we’re sharing how leading Australian organizations are accelerating their digital transformation together with Microsoft. I’m excited to see how organizations across industries, including healthcare services groups to technology and communications providers to snack food companies, are all building systems of intelligence and digitizing business processes to empower their employees, connecting with customers and gaining new insights.

Over the past few weeks, we have announced new capabilities with our Spring ’18 release for Dynamics 365 and Business Application Platform. The momentum around these announcements is significant, and as I continue to meet with customers and partners across industries and around the world, one theme that’s consistent is that organizations are realizing new opportunities as they digitally transform their business. They are realizing the benefits of leveraging complete technology platforms, with robust capabilities that are further strengthened with strategic partnerships, in helping them reach their goals and I am excited to share some of their stories.

Smart health support with data intelligence

Bupa, a leading healthcare organization, which offers a wide variety of health products and services for Australians has a focus to digitally transform and offer a more personalized approach for its customer needs. One area of focus was to transform its TeleHealth group in providing tailored health advice to clients based on best practice evidence and geared specifically for their needs.

To take this digital journey, Bupa chose Microsoft Dynamics 365 because it’s a scalable, secure solution that helps keep personal information private while providing comprehensive customer insights to inform employee action. Dynamics 365 and the Microsoft Cloud also provides Bupa the capabilities to better integrate with emerging technologies such as data lakes, chatbots, cognitive services and machine learning.

Dynamics 365 is currently providing access to customer data and best practice guidelines allowing Bupa TeleHealth consultants to provide proactive, informed and appropriate support. A growing data collection can now be analyzed for rich insights that identify which approach delivers the best outcome and ultimately enhances the customer experience and value.

Streamline operations with an extensible environment

Hills Limited, a large technology and communications company in Australia, has been growing over its 70 years into new markets offering a broad range of products and services. Unfortunately, this growth coupled with acquisitions has turned their ERP and CRM systems into a patchwork quilt that is not able to successfully pool data in the most helpful ways. So, their need to digitally transform is rooted in their need to tear down the walls between their groups with an integrated solution and create one singular common data set aligned to streamlined processes that allow them more agility with their operations.

Microsoft’s scalable and flexible Dynamics 365 offerings promote workplace flexibility and a runway to continuous intelligence-infused improvements. Work is now underway to replace Hills current CRM and four separate ERP systems with Dynamics 365 as its business applications foundation for the future.

Solutions built to evolve

Majans is a popular and beloved Australian snack food company. Working with Microsoft partner Sable 37, Majans has transformed its business processes by adopting Dynamics 365. They’re also using Microsoft PowerApps, Flow, PowerBI, and Teams to empower their employees and foster more collaboration and creativity across their organization. The company is building strong digital foundations for its “Factory of the Future” and seeking a sustainable competitive edge by fostering an information ecosystem that collects, analyses and acts on performance data from across the business by utilizing Power BI.

Moving businesses forward

While these three customers come from different industries and have their own unique business opportunities that they are trying to solve, they each have begun their own unique digital transformation journey leveraging Microsoft Business Applications. This is evidence that Microsoft is the only provider of a modern, unified and intelligence-infused family of business applications that span the breadth of business processes, and that the new Spring ’18 release functionalities are going to further Microsoft’s ability in supporting the unique requirements of our customers.

Over the next several months, I plan to regularly share customer stories from around the globe of how Microsoft Business Application customers are moving forward with their Digital Transformation. To move your business forward, visit our website.