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Anantha Ramachandran articles

a man wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera
Anantha Ramachandran
Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Dynamics 365 Marketing
6 min read

Key learnings from emergency communications 

One very unsettling aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic is how it has exposed weaknesses in the communications plans that are meant to helpful. But in this moment, a communications cacophony rules. Medical and governmental authorities have messages they need to get to everyone.

Five ways nonprofits can benefit from marketing automation 

Nonprofits (or not-for-profits) exist in a highly competitive world. According to a report from Giving USA, the sector is large and with one crucial exception, growing: Donations. American organizations and individuals provided record-breaking levels of support in 2017. Strong support continued in 2018, with total giving from individuals, foundations, and corporations exceeding $427 billion.
2 min read

How to organize successful modern events with ease 

In an era of increasingly sophisticated digital tactics, one question that is often raised is, “Are events still relevant?” Clearly the answer is yes for many companies. According to research by SiriusDecisions, B2B companies with revenues ranging from $100M to $1B devote between 30-40 percent of their marketing program budgets to in-person events.
2 min read

Drive demand with account-based marketing 

Account-based marketing (ABM) can increase engagement, deal sizes, and conversions if it’s deployed for the right accounts at the right time. The challenge many organizations face is knowing how to customize an approach with the mix of ABM and broad-based demand strategies and tactics.