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John Bengson articles

John Bengson
2 min read

Dynamics AX – 1099 Tax Updates for 2015 

Once again, tax season is right around the corner. As such, I thought I would take a moment to let everyone know that we have released the 2015 1099 updates for Dynamics AX and share some of the changes we have made. Supported versions: Version: AX 5.0 Hotfix: KB311849 Location: Version: AX 6.0/6.
3 min read

SSRS report tips to adjust alignment for pre-formatted print stock (i.e. 1099-MISC form) 

The purpose of this article is to help answer a common question we receive regarding print alignment when printing to pre-formatted print stock like a 1099-MISC tax form.  The 1099-MISC tax form will be the focus of this particular blog but the instructions can be applied to most any SSRS report generated through Dynamics AX 2012.
3 min read

Microsoft Dynamics AX – 1099 Tax update details for 2014 

There have been several requests for more detailed information about what changes were introduced in this year’s 1099 update packaged in hotfix KB3019585.  Here is an outline of the changes that we have made. 1099-MISC      1. Boxes 11 Foreign tax paid was deleted but box remains as shaded blank box on form     2.
1 min read

Microsoft Dynamics AX – 1099 Tax updates for 2014 

Tax time is around the corner, so I thought I would let everyone know that we recently released this year’s 1099 tax update for Microsoft Dynamics AX that makes the following improvements. 1.)     Fixes to the Update 1099 information routine.2.)     Fixes to the actual 1099 print outs.3.
2 min read

Integrating the Shipping Carrier Interface in AX 2012 with UPS WorldShip – Part 1 

In this blog series, we will walk through the steps to configure Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 to integrate with UPS WorldShip using the Shipping carrier interface located in Inventory and warehouse management. This integration will enable Dynamics AX 2012 to send sales order shipment information automatically into UPS WorldShip for processing.