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Dynamics 365

Our Very Own Mr. Spicy Takes Microsoft Dynamics to the Indian Retail Market

I received an email a few weeks back from our Global Retail Industry Director, Dilip Popat re: some feedback he had received following a trip to India to support the launch of Dynamic Vertical Solutions' ‘Retail Centre Of Excellence’. Apparently he had received some positive feedback on our Connected Experiences for Retail with Microsoft Dynamics message – great I thought always good that the marketing jazz we come out with is well liked (even better if it is useful :)!) What's more that feedback had come from some local Indian analysts and members of the press and they said that they regularly read our blog and twitter feed (yes I did nearly collapse in shock)…. Anyway not getting too excited about this I didn't think too much about it and so on I went with my long arduous days here at corporate and a guilty conscious that my poor wife was stuck at home with the kid that doesn't sleep (he is a darling honestly :)!) Thinking about it though this feedback and a subsequent article to come out of Dilip's trip to India mark another milestone (albeit minor) in our continued efforts in retail. We all heard about NRF 2010, the GA of Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail then the agreement we signed with Aldata also. The French sub went into a retail frenzy as they launched Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail at Equipmag in September and just last week we announced the GA date for an additional 22 countries for AX for Retail.

So what's next I hear you askk?? Well plenty more to come on the retail front that is for sure…NRF planning has already kicked-off and we are plotting our way through how to out do last year's efforts and to be quite honest I fully expect to be writing about more retail-related news before we even get close to that event. In the meantime though I encourage you to have a read of the article published in Business Standard and entitled 'Dynamics takes the complexity out of retail' as well as visit the Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail product page for more information on Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail itself.

On behalf of the retail dream team it's all about retail rock 'n' roll!


Luke Shave
Sr. Industry Marketing Manager   

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P.S: Dilip's correct title is Global Industry Director for Retail and Distribution. The title reflected in the interview above is from his previous role.