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Dynamics 365

Connecting CRM to ERP delivers end-to-end value for Heritage Bag

Producer of more than 400 million pounds of bags a year, Heritage Bag Company knows the ins and outs of competing successfully in a market that is highly competitive. Heritage Bag deployed Microsoft Dynamics AX in 2006, implementing core ERP functions, including manufacturing controls and financial management. After successfully managing its manufacturing operations on Microsoft Dynamics AX for seven years—and undergoing several upgrades—Heritage Bag Company began looking at ways to extend the solution to support other functional areas, including sales.The company then deployed Microsoft Dynamics CRM to tackle additional requirements and integrated the two solutions to enable the cohesive management of the business.

Doug Sheffield, Vice President of Supply Chain Management and IT says, “We looked at, but we chose Microsoft Dynamics CRM because it fit with our existing environment and offered a connector that made it easy to integrate with Microsoft Dynamics AX. The decision was really a no-brainer.”

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In this video, Heritage Bag shares how having a full-featured ERP and CRM system in place, they can now support its entire range of business functions from a fully integrated solution. While Microsoft Dynamics AX provides functionality for everything from production and supply chain management to human resource management and financials, Microsoft Dynamics CRM supports sales force automation, pipeline management, and contact tracking. Sales and product information flow between the CRM and ERP systems through the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics AX serves as the system of record.

VP of IT, Doug Sheffield explains, “Sales staff create all their prospects in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, then—as a contact becomes a customer—the record moves to Microsoft Dynamics AX so we can perform operational tasks like assign accounts payable contacts and perform invoicing.”

As a result of Heritage’s smooth Microsoft Dynamics AX and CRM implementation, the software platform has helped Heritage to reduce inventory, serve more customers, grow with fewer resources, and consolidate data.