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Dynamics 365

Return material adjustment (RMA) processing through the mobile device

This blog post assumes a working knowledge of the new Warehouse management module released in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3.

The process of receiving a Return material adjust (RMA) using the new WMS mobile device functionality is very similar to processing an inbound transaction such as a purchase order. The following steps are intended as a walkthrough of the necessary setup and actions required to complete the process. They are completed against the USMF Contoso dataset on a CU8 installation.

1) Set up a Return order work template

  1. Warehouse > Work > Work Templates
  2. Change the Work order type to “Return orders”
  3. Create a new work template by clicking the New (figure 1)
  4. Create new work type lines by clicking the New button on the low section of the grid
  5. Create two lines (figure 2)
    • The first
      • Work type = Pick
      • Mandatory = Checked
      • Work class ID = Return
    • The second
      • Work type = Put
      • Mandatory = Checked
      • Work class ID = Return
  6. Close the form
return order work template
Figure 1
return order work template details
Figure 2
  1. Warehouse management > Mobile device > Disposition codes
  2. Create a new Disposition code by clicking the New button
  3. The new Disposition code will need the following fields
    • Disposition code: The name of the disposition code.
    • Inventory status: An inventory status which will define the blocking strategy assigned to the returned item.
    • Work template code: The work template to which this disposition code should be linked.
    • Return disposition code: A traditional disposition code that contains the disposition action.
      • Note: Any disposition code that has an action of “Return to customer” will not generate work as of CU8
  4. Create the record with the following values
    • Disposition code = Customer return
    • Inventory status = Available
    • Work template code = 51 Return Order
    • Return disposition code = 11
  5. Close the form

3) Create a location directive to manage the Return order process in the warehouse

  1. Warehouse management > Setup > Location directives
  2. Change work order type to “Return orders”
  3. In the Location directives fast tab click New
    • Sequence number = 1
    • Name = 51
    • Work type = Put
    • Site = 5
    • Warehouse = 51
    • Disposition code = Customer return (the disposition code must be specified or the location directive will not be found).
  4. In the Lines fast tab click New
    • Sequence number = 1
    • From quantity = 1
    • To quantity = 999,999
    • Locate quantity = None
  5. In the Location Directives Actions Click New
    • Sequence number = 1
    • Name = Put
    • Fixed location usage = Fixed and non-fixed locations
    • Strategy = None
  6. In the Location Directive Actions fast tab click Edit Query
  7. Set the Location Criteria = Bulk-001
  8. Click OK to close the form
  9. Close the Location directives form

4) Create a menu item on the Mobile device

  1. Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Mobile device menu items
  2. Click New to create a new menu item
    • Menu item name = RMA Process
    • Title = RMA Process
    • Mode = Work
    • Work creation process = Return order receiving
  3. Close the form

5) Add the new mobile device menu item to the mobile device

  1. Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device menu
  2. In the Available menus and menu items section find the RMA process and add it to the menu structure by clicking the “<” button

6) Create a return order

  1. Sales and marketing > Common > Return orders > All return orders
  2. In the panel click Return orders> New > Return order
    • Customer account = US-004
    • Click OK to create the return orders
  3. Add a line to the return order
    • Item number = A0001
    • Site = 5
    • Warehouse = 51
    • Unit price = 5
    • Quantity = -1
  4. Copy the RMA number on the Return order header (General fast tab)

7) Open the Emulator in the AOT and receive the RMA to create the work

  1. AOT > FORMS > WHSWorkExecute > Right click > Open
    • User ID: = 51
    • Password = 1
  2. In the main menu select RMA Process
  3. Enter the RMA number click OK
    • Item = A0001
    • LP = TestLp
    • Qty = 1
    • Disposition code = Customer return
  4. Click OK

8) Navigate back to the Return order and open the sales order to view the work

  1. On the RMA select the sales order number to open the sales order for the RMA
  2. On the Sales order in the Sales order lines section click Warehouse > Work details
  3. Notice the work has been created. The pick in the receipt location and the put away is set to the location specified in the location directive