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Exciting new features in Microsoft Social Engagement 2016 Update 1.1

We’re excited to share the news for the features included in the upcoming release. Microsoft Social Engagement now includes a detailed view of an author’s Twitter profile. Posts you publish from within Social Engagement now support photos. You can extend your sources coverage by adding public RSS or Atom feeds and analyze them like any other post. Additionally, Social Engagement now supports the capabilities of Office Groups to collaborate with other users. Stay tuned for more news!

See details about authors on Twitter

Let’s check out author details. In Social Center, click the author details icon in any tweet. Right away you’ll see a detailed view of the author’s profile. You can get an idea of how influential and active the author is based on their reach score, their followers, and how many tweets they’ve posted. Review the hash tags they use most, and their recent tweets to understand the topics that interest them. If you decide this is someone you want to follow, just link the social profile you want to follow the author with. 

Include photos in your posts

Direct publishing is another cool feature in Social Center. It lets you tweet or post to Facebook right from within Social Engagement. Let’s say your sales person wants to share a white paper or your marketing team wants to announce the agenda for an upcoming conference. Click the Publish tab in Social Center and pick the social media source you want to publish to. Then pick the social profile to post on behalf of. Type the announcement text and add media if you want—let’s include the conference flyer and publish. On the confirmation page, click the link to see the post on the source you published to. You can also post the same message on other sources or social profiles from here.

Extend your data coverage with custom sources

Social Engagement supports popular social media sources right out of the box. However, some customers prefer sources that are specific to a brand, company, or industry. Use custom sources and add public RSS or Atom feeds to listen and analyze those conversations so you can hear what they are saying about your company, and engage more effectively.

Collaborate in Social Engagement using Office Groups

Finally, with the addition of Office Groups in Social Engagement, you can create and manage Office Groups in Exchange, or in your Office Admin Portal. Once you do that, those groups are available in Social Engagement for assigning posts or sharing streams and social profiles.

Here’s an example. A customer posts about an installation issue, and the Field Installation group is great with issues like this. Click “Assign To” and use keyword search or filtering to quickly find the Field Installation group. Now, everyone in the Field Installation group can see the post in their Inbox and act on it.

Get help, videos, and eBooks

For more information about Microsoft Social Engagement, including help articles, eBooks, and videos, see the Microsoft Social Engagement Help Center.

We’re convinced you’re going to love the new features. 


Microsoft Social Engagement Team