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Dynamics 365

World Animal Protection Seeks to Inspire Global Change; End Animal Suffering

World Animal Protection is a global charity, with agencies all over the world. Microsoft Dynamics provides an effortless business solution so WAP can focus on the animals, not the office.

The relationship between animals and mankind is vital. We rely on them and they depend upon us. For over 30 years, international nonprofit World Animal Protection has had a vision to nurture this relationship and to end animal cruelty.

Dedicated to ethical animal treatment, WAP works to educate communities on the importance of vaccinations, to provide disaster relief, to promote humane farming practices and to discourage unnecessary capture of wild animals.

Past and present campaigns include efforts to end dog culling in China, banning bull fighting in Spain and France, prohibiting bear dancing in Greece, Turkey and India, as well as emergency veterinary care and food to animals displaced by Hurricane Patricia in Mexico.

In August of 2015, Peru experienced its heaviest snowfall in a decade, with devastating effects on the small, rural communities of the country’s southern region. Thousands of animals have been lost, leaving local farmers destitute. WAP has mobilized aid to these little communities, helping both humans and animals alike to recover.

Actions like these demonstrate how truly significant World Animal Protection is in the movement for global animal welfare.

Read more about World Animal Protection and Microsoft Dynamics here.