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Join Microsoft Dynamics at Summit 16 – Take Advantage of Advanced Pricing

Summit 2016 is a must for anyone who wants to add new skills to their Dynamics AX, CRM, GP, and NAV knowledge base. Advanced pricing registration for this event – happening October 11-14 in Tampa, Fl. – is going on now, and if you register for the event before August 4th, you’ll save $200. 
Summit 2016 is comprised of four unique Dynamics conferences: AXUG, CRMUG, GPUG, and NAVUG. But all four conferences share common benefits:


  • Compelling keynotes, including one by Microsoft EVP Scott Guthrie
  • Hundreds of breakout sessions 
  • Networking opportunities that are worth the trip on their own



Community learning is the bedrock of Summit 2016. Everyone who attends – from Microsoft leaders to Dynamics users themselves—is committed to sharing their expertise openly. You’ll make valuable contacts and find new solutions to your everyday Dynamics challenges through collaboration. 
Remember, it’s $200 less now than it will be on August 4th. 

Meet us at Summit 2016! Register Today!