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Multi language capabilities in Portal capabilities for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Applies To: Portal capabilities for Microsoft Dynamics 365


In today’s world, your customers are not confined to a single region or a language. A customer service portal that helps you connect with your customers speaking different languages is key to your success. In Portal capabilities for Microsoft Dynamics 365, we are increasing the language support to 43 languages. In addition, we are giving the ability for a single portal to surface content in multiple languages. You can translate the content of your portal while maintaining a single content hierarchy. Existing portals can leverage this functionality by upgrading their Portal Solutions.


Portal home page


Localizing your portal content


To make Portal capabilities for Microsoft Dynamics 365 available in an additional language you need to activate that language in your Dynamics 365 organization first. Once the language is activated on the Dynamics 365 org, you can navigate to your Website record and add that language as a supported language using the “+” button.


Add a language as a supported language


Once you have successfully enabled a language support for your website, you can translate your portal content in the new language using Dynamics 365. Out-of-the-box, we clone your default language web pages, web link sets and content snippets content into the newly added support language. A web page defines this language agnostic container that models the configuration about the page along with the language-specific content. Once a web page is made available in a language through Dynamics 365, you can use the Portal Content Management System (CMS) to edit the page content and its configuration. It is recommended that you have the landing/home page and “Page Not Found” page translated in all the languages enabled for your website.


Localized pages of a website


Web Link Sets are specific to a language. This gives you the ability to configure Primary Navigation, Profile Navigation, Secondary Navigation and Footer web link sets specific to each supported language. You can edit the web links part of these web link sets through CMS.


Active web link sets


Liquid Extensions


We have exposed new Liquid APIs as part of enabling multi language support to help you customize your portals. “website.languages” will list all the languages enabled for your portal. We have introduced “languages” in the “page” liquid drop as well. “website.selected_language” will help you identify the language in which the website has been rendered. “page.languages” signifies the languages in which the page can be made available. Languages is an array of language which has Name, Code and URL properties. Once you are in a page you can use the URL property of language to fetch the page URL in that language ex: page.languages[0].url


This is just a brief introduction to get you started with the Multi lingual capabilities of our Dynamics 365 portals. More blogs to follow to cover these in detail.



Shiva Kavindpadi