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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

2 min read

Error when modifying existing Purchase order Delivery schedules – “Line number x is outside range of delivery schedule and cannot be used.” 

I’ve recently come across a couple of customers that were having issues modifying previously created Purchase order Delivery schedules.  This typically happens if we have at least 2 items on a purchase order, both of which contain a delivery schedule.  If needing to add a line to one of these existing Delivery schedules, we are seeing an

1 min read

Trial balance transactions missing after applying KB3024254 or upgrading AX 2012 R3 to AX 2012 R3 CU9 

Trial balance transactions are missing in AX 2012 R3 CU9 when you upgrade AX 2012 R3 to AX 2012 R3 CU9 or if you install KB3024254 (which is a part of CU9 package). Navigation: General Ledger >Common > Trial balance > Double click any record When you select any record, the window containing transactions should

1 min read

How to monitor Dynamics AX client versions 

Hello, If you see “version mismatch” warning messages in an AOS Server Event Viewer’s Application log, you have Dynamics AX clients with out-of-date versions: Object Server xxx: Internal version mismatch. Microsoft Dynamics AX Client from xxx The SYSUSERLOG table can help you to find the Dynamics AX clients that need to be updated. This table logs the login and logout events for each

1 min read

Useful links: MS Dynamics AX 2012 Trace Parser 

The intention of this blog post is just to provide a summary of the already available very useful resource links around MS Dynamics AX 2012 Trace Parser. If you are aware of any addtional links, please feel free to add them as reponse to this post! Trace parser installation: ( ) Trace parser introduction: (

4 min read

Debugging custom JavaScript code in CRM using browser developer tools 

You can use JavaScript in Microsoft Dynamics CRM to perform actions in form scripts, command bar (ribbon) commands, and web resources. Each browser provides you with a debugging tool to help you debug your custom JavaScript code natively in the browser. Typically, you activate debugging in your browser by pressing the F12 key to display

<1 min read

Design Pattern: Argument Table 

The Argument Table pattern is used to provide an extension point for adding new arguments to a function without changing the signature. By grouping multiple arguments in a table, the code becomes more readable (the signature and the usage of the function). For the full description of this pattern, see the NAV Design Patterns wiki page.

7 min read

Change license plate, split quantity, skip and override location during inbound put away 

Introduction In Dynamics AX 2012 R3 CU10 we have introduced additional capabilities to change license plate, split quantity, skip or override location on the mobile device while doing inbound put away. These features can also be downloaded from LCS with KB 3103960. Issues The workflow used when performing inbound work had some limitations when it

1 min read

Building xRM solutions: a three-part video series 

We’re pleased to announce a three-part video series for building xRM solutions.  In this series, you’ll get an end-to-end walk through of the key extensibility capabilities (xRM) of Microsoft Dynamics CRM that allow you to build line of business (LOB) applications. Building xRM Solutions I: Introduction Dynamics CRM’s capabilities can be leveraged to build line

<1 min read

November 2015 release notes 

  The Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services team is happy to announce the immediate availability of the November release of Lifecycle Services.  NEW FEATURES  General Customersource/Partnersource  Admins for Dynamics AX 2012 can now add new users as Admins in Lifecycle services. Office 365 Admins for Dynamics ‘AX 7’ can now make existing O365 users Admins in

3 min read

How does the Circularity check strategy in the Inventory and warehouse management parameters work? 

How does the Circularity check strategy option in the Inventory and warehouse management parameters work? This option can be found under Inventory management | Setup | Inventory and warehouse management parameters on the Bills of Materials option from the left-hand navigation. The Circularity check strategy option works in conjunction with the Level of circularity option,