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Convergence 2012 – NAV Daily Update: Introducing Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Welcome to Convergence Day Two, and “Hello” to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013!

As announced in yesterday’s opening keynote, and in the official Convergence press release, NAV “7” is now officially called Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. With a planned Q4 calendar year 2012 general availability date, and an expected May 2012 Beta release, NAV 2013 will be the first Dynamics ERP solution to be cloud-enabled for Windows Azure!

Yesterday’s announcements also outlined the crucial role that Microsoft’s ISV ecosystem will play in offering services hosted on Windows Azure to provide customers with the specialized vertical capabilities required for their businesses. Read more in the full press release and in the supporting blog on the Edge.

The NAV General Session rode on a wave of excitement generated at the keynote (OK, pardon the pun, but surf boards in downtown Houston…?). The room was packed as NAV General Manager Dan Brown presented key meta- trends affecting and transforming the SMB business landscape; the NAV product strategy and future roadmap, a cool Sitka customer video (hence the surf boards); and a host of “gnarly” NAV 2013 demos – including the first broad public demo of the NAV Web Client.

Didn’t catch the General session, or the Keynote? Not even at Convergence? No problem – look for them on demand on the Convergence Website.

So how do you follow that? Well, today is another great chance to immerse yourself in the product. Get vocal in an Interactive Discussion, get to the bottom of things in a Deep Dive Session, or stay current in a Concurrent Session. Then share your thoughts on Twitter: #MSDNNAV #CONV12. My tip for the day: 3 great sessions about how to start your journey toward the coming release, and what you can look forward to when you get there:

  1. How to Prepare for Microsoft Dynamics NAV “7”
  2. Microsoft Dynamics NAV “7”: The Overview:
  3. Extend the Reach of Microsoft Dynamics NAV”7” through Microsoft SharePoint & the Web

Surf’s Up for NAV!