Face Swap
an app for Android and iOS
Experiment complete
Thanks for the feedback!
Update: Thank you for using Face Swap over the past couple years, we have learned a lot through this experiment and we couldn’t have done it without you. As of October 06, 2019 Face Swap will be moving to Experiment Complete and will no longer be supported. Functionality of the app will be impacted and many features may not work after October 06, 2019.
Search and transport yourself into fun, inspirational scenes. Just take a selfie, choose a scene from your camera roll or the web, and swipe through your results. It’s easy with the power of search and the intelligent face tech.
- See yourself with a new hairstyle
- Try on different fashions
- Pop yourself into trending scenes
- Swap multiple faces on a group photo
- Put your friend’s face onto some funny pictures
- You can swap any face into any picture.
Choose a picture:
- Pick an image with faces from your camera roll
- Search for an image from internet right inside the app
- Choose a scene from one of our fun categories
Choose a face to swap:
- Take a great selfie with our special face swap camera with real time hints and instructions
- Pick an image from your camera roll
- Search for a face on the web
Using a sophisticated face swap engine:
- Match skin tone (or any tone — try a stone statue!)
- Automatically find faces in images and place your swap
- Match lighting conditions
- Match head turns and tilts
- Process and place multiple faces in a single scene
Meet the team

Front-row, left-right: Vishwajit Kolathur, Reynard Le, Saad Khan; Middle-row: Shailendra Gupta, Phil Rogan, Chris Zorn, Danny Farmer, Jeff Yin, Vishnu Navda; Back–row: Vageesh Chandramouli, Darshan M; Not Pictured: Katie Elfering
Bellevue, WA