Pattern 11D: Map system input attributes to system outputs


The user needs insights into why the system did what it did.​​​​​​​


Provide an explanation that enables the user to infer a connection between user behaviors and the system’s decision(s). Often used together with G11-E: Map user behaviors to system outputs.

Use when

  • The system’s decision can be (partially) explained by input attributes. If system decisions depend on both input attributes and user behaviors, consider combining with G11-E: Map user behaviors to system outputs.
  • It’s desirable for the system to be transparent and to enable the user to understand which attributes the system uses to decide its output.
  • The user doesn’t understand why the system took a specific action.
  • The user wants to understand the system’s logic.
  • Policy or regulations require the system to make an explanation available.


Collaborate with an AI/ML practitioner to collect information about which input attributes informed the system:

  • Identify which input attributes, as well as interactions between attributes, the system uses to determine its decisions.
  • Retrieve the most important attributes for the system’s output.

The explanation might cover a specific system decision (see G11-A: Local explanations) or general system behavior (see G11-B: Global explanations).

The explanation might include, for each displayed attribute, information about its importance in the system’s decision making.

The content of local explanations can also include a set of attributes most influential to the system’s output

The content of global explanations can also include types of attributes the system uses to determine its decisions.

User benefits

  • Enables the user to understand how the system connects input attributes to decisions.
  • Gives the user insights into the system’s reasoning.
  • Enhances user trust because of system transparency.

Common pitfalls

  • It’s unclear why the important inputs are important.
  • General summaries of attributes are too vague.
  • It’s difficult for the user to infer the connection between system inputs and system outputs.
  • It’s difficult for the user to interpret the meaning of an attribute’s importance.
  • The reasoning behind the system’s decision is invalid, even though the decision itself is relevant to the user.
  • Too much information in an explanation can be overwhelming to the user.