3. Promote strong managers. It’s true that a manager can shape an employee’s feelings about work more than anyone or anything else in the company. They’re the link between the top-level executives and employees and can play an essential role in promoting high employee engagement.
Skilled managers provide clear direction and support with open communication. They can be the sounding board for employees by providing a space for conflict and resolution, career development, and trust. Managers are in the unique position to lift up the energy and motivation of their entire team. They can also serve as role models, demonstrating how to be a positive example and inspiring others to follow suit.
4. Create a path to success. Help employees understand where they fit within the company and where they are going. What’s their career trajectory? Managers can serve as career counselors, working with employees to create roadmaps for their career paths. Here are steps to do so:
1. Ask the employee about career aspirations. Where do they want to go within the company? Do they want a new role, projects, or responsibilities?
2. Identify opportunities. Create a plan for how they’ll get there.
3. Brainstorm the actions steps and a timeline for how they’ll achieve their goals.
4. Schedule regular check-ins to discuss progress, roadblocks, and successes along the way.
5. Support the employee in adjusting the plan as needed.
5. Promote wellness programs. Employees want to be viewed as more than just the work they do. Support the health of the individual with wellness programs that tend to their emotional and physical needs. A few ideas to promote employee health include:
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