Artificial intelligence (AI) is a huge topic of conversation—one that’s rapidly transforming our everyday expectations and experiences. As a leader in this new and exciting technology, Microsoft is committed to building AI responsibly so that it will have a positive impact on society. That’s why we’re going to great lengths to ensure emerging AI technologies incorporated across our products and services are designed responsibly—to benefit people and empower them to achieve more.

Principles guide our work

As Microsoft ACTS, our Advanced Cloud Transparency Services initiative, works to develop and offer solutions that incorporate AI, we also recognize this will have implications for how we use and manage technology now and in the future. With the rest of Microsoft, we share a sense of urgency not only to implement new technology, but also to do so responsibly and safely.

Embedded in our culture and our work are a set of guidelines and a framework to create responsible AI. Fundamental to these policies are a set of AI principles, which include ensuring AI systems respect privacy, operate safely and transparently, are secure, and have accountability.

As our ability to leverage the benefits of AI grows, ACTS takes a principled approach to adoption and technology implementation. Built on the foundation of Microsoft’s responsible AI principles,  ACTS has established further guardrails that ensure accountability and consideration of the implications of our work now and in the future. Our principles prompt us to examine potential impacts and ensure the solutions we develop empower governments and organizations to use data responsibly.

When ACTS develops use cases, we work with experts in building AI responsibly, sharing our intended solution and potential plans for implementation. These collaborations and internal reviews ensure ACTS’s AI solutions remain aligned with core company principles.

Considering the impact of technology solutions in our operations and decision-making is fundamental to our work and part of our DNA. As use of AI technology and solutions continues to grow and scale, it will become even more critical to ensure our work aligns with our principles and practices to empower people and organizations to achieve more.