PowerShell Cmdlets for PowerApps and Flow creators and administrators

Many of you have been asking for access to PowerApps and Flow control through PowerShell. This week we have released an extended version of the PowerApps PowerShell script functions (cmdlets) that provide admin access to resources on their instance of PowerApps, Flow, and the Business Application Platform in the PowerShell environment.


  • 2019-01-07: Cmdlets are now available on the PowerShell gallery as two separate modules: Administrator (link) and Maker (link).
  • 2019-04-29: Updated cmdlet names


Cmdlets are functions written in PowerShell script language that execute commands in the Windows PowerShell environment. Running these PowerApps cmdlets will allow you to interact with your Business Application Platform without having to go through the admin portal in a web browser. You can combine these cmdlets with other PowerShell functions to write complex scripts that can optimize your workflow. Note that you can still use the cmdlets if you’re not an admin on the tenant, but you will be limited to the resources you own. Cmdlets that start with the word ‘Admin’ are designed to be used by an administrative user account.


  1. Run PowerShell as an administrator
  2. Execute the following import commands:
    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell
    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell -AllowClobber
  3. If you are prompted to accept the change to InstallationPolicy value of the repository, accept [A] Yes to all modules by typing in ‘A’ and hitting enter for each module.
  4. Before accessing any of the commands, you have the option to provide your credentials using the following command. These credentials are refreshed for up to ~8 hours before you’re required to sign in again to continue using the cmdlets.
    # This call opens prompt to collect credentials (AAD account & password) used by the commands
    # Here is how you can pass in credentials (avoiding opening a prompt)
    $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force
    Add-PowerAppsAccount -Username foo@bar.com -Password $pass


App creators

Users with a valid PowerApps license can perform the operations in these cmdlets, but they will only have access to the resources (for example, apps, flows, etc.) that have been created or shared with them.


To perform the administration operations in the admin cmdlets, you’ll need the following:  

Cmdlet list

Maker Cmdlets

Purpose Cmdlet
Read environments Get-PowerAppEnvironment Get-FlowEnvironment
Read, update, and delete a canvas app Get-PowerApp (Previously Get-App) Remove-PowerApp Publish-PowerApp Set-PowerAppDisplayName Get-PowerAppVersion Restore-PowerAppVersion
Read, update, and delete canvas app permissions Get-PowerAppRoleAssignment Set-PowerAppRoleAssignment Remove-PowerAppRoleAssignment
Read, update, and delete a flow Get-Flow Get-FlowRun Enable-Flow Disable-Flow Remove-Flow
Read, update, and delete flow permissions Get-FlowOwnerRole Set-FlowOwnerRole Remove-FlowOwnerRole
Read and respond to flow approvals Get-FlowApprovalRequest Get-FlowApproval RespondTo-FlowApprovalRequest
Read and delete connections Get-PowerAppConnection Remove-PowerAppConnection
Read, update, and delete connection permissions Get-PowerAppConnectionRoleAssignment Set-PowerAppConnectionRoleAssignment Remove-PowerAppConnectionRoleAssignment
Read and delete a connector Get-PowerAppConnector Remove-PowerAppConnector
Read, update, and delete custom connector permissions Get-ConnectorRoleAssignment Set-PowerAppConnectorRoleAssignment Remove-PowerAppConnectorRoleAssignment

Admin Cmdlets

  Read, update, and delete environments and Common Data Service databases
Read, update, and delete environments and Common Data Service databases New-AdminPowerAppEnvironment Set-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentDisplayName Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment Remove-AdminPowerAppEnvironment New-AdminPowerAppCdsDatabase Get-AdminPowerAppCdsDatabaseLanguages Get-AdminPowerAppCdsDatabaseCurrencies Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentLocations Remove-LegacyCDSDatabase *New*
Read, update, and delete environment permissions (does not work in environment with CDS for Apps database) Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentRoleAssignment Set-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentRoleAssignment Remove-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentRoleAssignment
Read and remove canvas apps Get-AdminPowerApp Remove-AdminPowerApp Get-AdminPowerAppConnectionReferences
Read, update, and delete canvas app permissions Get-AdminPowerAppRoleAssignment Set-AdminPowerAppRoleAssignment Remove-AdminPowerAppRoleAssignment Set-AdminPowerAppOwner
Read, update, and delete Flows, Owner Roles, and Approvals Get-AdminFlow Enable-AdminFlow Disable-AdminFlow Remove-AdminFlow Get-AdminFlowOwnerRole Set-AdminFlowOwnerRole Remove-AdminFlowOwnerRole Remove-AdminFlowApprovals
Read and delete connections Get-AdminPowerAppConnection Remove-AdminPowerAppConnection
Read, update, and delete connection permissions Get-AdminPowerAppConnectionRoleAssignment Set-AdminPowerAppConnectionRoleAssignment Remove-AdminPowerAppConnectionRoleAssignment
Read and delete custom connectors Get-AdminPowerAppConnector Remove-AdminPowerAppConnector
Read, update, and delete custom connector permissions Get-AdminPowerAppConnectorRoleAssignment Set-AdminPowerAppConnectorRoleAssignment Remove-AdminPowerAppConnectorRoleAssignment
Set canvas app as hero Set-AdminPowerAppAsHero Clear-AdminPowerAppAsHero
Set canvas app as featured Set-AdminPowerAppAsFeatured Clear-AdminPowerAppAsFeatured
Set canvas app to bypass api consent Set-AdminPowerAppApisToBypassConsent Clear-AdminPowerAppApisToBypassConsent
Read a user’s PowerApps user settings, user-app settings, and notifications Get-AdminPowerAppsUserDetails
Returns a list of app connection references Get-AdminPowerAppConnectionReferences
Read & delete a user’s Microsoft Flow settings, which are not visible to user, but that support flow execution Get-AdminFlowUserDetails Remove-AdminFlowUserDetails
Create, read, update & delete data loss prevention policies for your organization Get-AdminDlpPolicy Add-AdminDlpPolicy Remove-AdminDlpPolicy Set-AdminDlpPolicy Add-ConnectorToBusinessDataGroup Remove-ConnectorFromBusinessDataGroup


  • Use Get-Help ‘CmdletName’ to get a list of examples.image
  • To cycle through the possible options for input tags, click on the tab key after typing out the dash (-) character, after the cmdlet name.

Operation examples

Below are some common scenarios that show how to use new and existing PowerApps cmdlets.  

Environments Commands

Use these commands to get details on and update environments in your tenant.  

Display a list of all environments

Get-AdminEnvironment This returns a list of each environment across your tenant, with details of each (e.g., environment name (guid), display name, location, creator, etc).  

Display details of your default environment

Get-AdminEnvironment –Default Returns the details for only the default environment of the tenant.  

Display details of a specific environment

Get-AdminEnvironment –EnvironmentName ‘EnvironmentName Note: The EnvironmentName field is a unique identifier, which is different from the DisplayName (see first and second fields in the output in the following image). image  

PowerApps Commands

These operations are used to read and modify PowerApps data in your tenant.

Display a list of all PowerApps

Get-AdminPowerApp Returns a list of all PowerApps across the tenant, with details of each (e.g., application name (guid), display name, creator, etc).

Display a list of all PowerApps that match the input display name

Get-AdminPowerApp 'DisplayName' Returns a list of all the PowerApps in your tenant that match the display name.
Note: Use quotation characters (”) around input values that contain spaces.

Feature an application

Set-AdminPowerAppAsFeatured –AppName 'AppName' Featured applications are grouped and pushed to the top of the list in the PowerApps mobile player. Note: Like environments, the AppName field is a unique identifier, which is different from the DisplayName. If you want to perform operations based on the display name, some functions will let you use the pipeline (see next function).  

Make an application a Hero app, using the pipeline

Get-AdminPowerApp 'DisplayName' | Set-AdminPowerAppAsHero A Hero app will appear at the top of the list in the PowerApps mobile player. There can only be one Hero app. The pipeline (represented as the ‘|’ character between two cmdlets) takes the output of the first cmdlet and passes it as the input value of the second, assuming the function has been written to accommodate the pipeline feature. Note: an app must already be a featured app before it is changed to a hero.      

Display the number of apps each user owns

Get-AdminPowerApp | Select –ExpandProperty Owner | Select –ExpandProperty displayname | Group You can combine native PowerShell functions with the PowerApps cmdlets to manipulate data even further. Here we use the Select function to isolate the Owner attribute (an object) from the Get-AdminApp object. We then isolate the name of the owner object by pipelining that output into another Select function. Finally, passing the second Select function output into the Group function returns a nice table that includes a count of each owner’s number of apps. image  

Display the number of apps in each environment

Get-AdminPowerApp | Select -ExpandProperty EnvironmentName | Group | %{ New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ DisplayName = (Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment -EnvironmentName $_.Name | Select -ExpandProperty displayName); Count = $_.Count } } image  

Download PowerApps user details

Get-AdminPowerAppsUserDetails -OutputFilePath '.\adminUserDetails.txt' –UserPrincipalName ‘admin@bappartners.onmicrosoft.com’ The above command will store the PowerApps user details (basic usage information about the input user via their user principal name) in the specified text file. It will create a new file if there is no existing file with that name, and overwrite the text file if it already exists.  

Set logged in user as the owner of a PowerApp

Set-AdminPowerAppOwner –AppName 'AppName' -AppOwner $Global:currentSession.userId –EnvironmentName 'EnvironmentName' Changes the owner role of a PowerApp to the current user, and replaces the original owner as a “can view” role type. Note: The AppName and EnvironmentName fields are the unique identifiers (guids), not the display names.  

Flow Commands

Use these commands to view and modify data related to Microsoft Flow.  

Display all Flows

Get-AdminFlow Returns a list of all flows in the tenant.  

Display Flow Owner Role details

Get-AdminFlowOwnerRole –EnvironmentName 'EnvironmentName' –FlowName ‘FlowName Returns the owner details of the specified Flow. Note: Like Environments and PowerApps, FlowName is the unique identifier (guid), which is different from the display name of the Flow.  

Display Flow user details

Get-AdminFlowUserDetails –UserId $Global:currentSession.userId Returns the user details regarding Flow usage. In this example we’re using the user Id of the current logged in user of the PowerShell session as input.  

Remove Flow user details

Remove-AdminFlowUserDetails –UserId 'UserId' Deletes the details on a Flow user completely from the Microsoft database. All Flows the input user owns must be deleted before the Flow user details can be purged. Note: The UserId field is the Object ID of the user’s Azure Active Directory record, which can be found in the Azure Portal ( https://portal.azure.com) under Azure Active Directory > Users > Profile > Object ID. Must be an admin to access this data from here.  

Export all Flows to a CSV file

Get-AdminFlow | Export-Csv -Path '.\FlowExport.csv' This command exports all the Flows in your tenant into a tabular view .csv file.  

Api Connection Commands

View and manage API connections in your tenant.  

Display all native Connections in your default environment

Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironment -Default | Get-AdminConnection Displays a list of all Api Connections you have in the default environment. Native connections are found under the Data > Connections tab in the maker portal.  

Display all Custom connectors in the tenant

Get-AdminPowerAppConnector Returns a list of all custom connector details in the tenant.  

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Policy Commands

These cmdlets will control the DLP policies on your tenant.  

Display all Policies

Get-AdminDlpPolicy Returns a list of all the Policies.  

Display a filtered list of policies

Get-AdminDlpPolicy 'DisplayName' Uses the display name to filter the policies  

Display all ‘Business data only’ Api connectors in a policy

Get-AdminDlpPolicy 'PolicyName' | Select –ExpandProperty BusinessDataGroup Lists the Api connections that are in the Business data only (or BusinessDataGroup field) in an input policy.  

Add a Connector to the ‘Business data only’ group

Add-ConnectorToBusinessDataGroup -PolicyName 'PolicyName' –ConnectorName 'ConnectorName' Adds a connector to the ‘Business data only’ group in a given DLP policy. See the list of connectors by DisplayName and ConnectorName (used as input) here.