Denise Moran articles
Denise Moran
3 min read
Simplify environment administration in the Microsoft Power Platform with new CoE Starter Kit components for Environment Management
When a new environment is needed as a workspace to develop a Power Platform project – and non-admins are restricted from creating environments – admins must provision the environment for such projects to facilitate development that will ultimately help the company achieve its goals.
2 min read
New in the CoE Starter Kit: Review the impact of DLP policy changes
We are excited to introduce you to the DLP Editor – a new app part of the Center of Excellence Starter Kit. The DLP Editor is a tool you can use to observe the impact of an existing policy or updated/new policy changes you want to make.
12 min read
Establishing an Environment Strategy for Microsoft Power Platform
Environments are containers that administrators can use to manage apps, flows, connections, and other assets; along with permissions to allow organization users to use the resources. The purpose of this article is to walk through important details about environments in the Power Platform and discuss recommended ways to benefit from proactively managing them.
11 min read
Introducing the PowerApps Center of Excellence Starter Kit
Announcement of a PowerApps Center of Excellence starter kit asset download.
5 min read
Remember to upgrade your previous version CDS database to preserve Flow Approvals history or entity data
In January this year, Jim Daly provided a detailed announcement on the previous version CDS to the CDS for Apps migration experience that is available for self service.
2 min read
PowerShell scripts to discover and manage specific features in the Power Platform
As the number of users, apps and flows in a tenant grows, it can be hard to manage what connections are being used by which apps and flows.
2 min read
Editable Tables
This blog post highlights how one can create a PowerApps Canvas app to create an editable table to interact with the data in the database quickly without having to connect through a separate interface.
3 min read
Announcing new Admin and Maker Connectors for PowerApps and Flow
Now available in public preview are four new Connectors that let you access resources in the Power Platform in an Admin or Maker scope. These Connectors are accompanying the Flow Management Connector, which gives you just about as much control over access to these resources as we have.
8 min read
Progress Indicator with Tabular Data
Progress indicators (also known as progress trackers) provide a great visual indication of how far along a user is to completion of a particular task.
7 min read
PowerShell Cmdlets for PowerApps and Flow creators and administrators
In our effort to comply with GDPR, we have released PowerShell script functions (cmdlets) that make it easier for admins to manage data and resources on their instance of PowerApps, Flow, and other…
5 min read