2 min read

PowerShell scripts to discover and manage specific features in the Power Platform

As the number of users, apps and flows in a tenant grows, it can be hard to manage what connections are being used by which apps and flows. Use the PowerShell scripts below, which are built with the PowerApps and Flow Administration module, to discover which PowerApps and Flows use specific features like custom connectors/APIs, on premise gateway connectors, HTTP actions, or premium connectors.

Each script below allows you to retrieve a particular filtered set of PowerApps and Flows and outputs a list of matching records in a .CSV file. Each record represents the feature used (e.g. custom connector) and includes details such as the App ID, owner of the app, etc.

Install the modules

To use the PowerApps and Flow cmdlets, follow the installation instructions on the PowerApps cmdlet documentation page.

Run the scripts

Once the modules are installed, follow these instructions to run the scripts provided below. If you receive a security warning, you may need to unblock running the downloaded script, see this article for more details.

  1. Download the desired script.
  2. Run PowerShell as an administrator and make sure you’re in the same directory as the script.
  3. Run the script by typing out the name
  4. Each of these scripts have optional parameters to specify the Environment (EnvironmentName) or the output file path name (Path).
    .\findFlowsWithHttpAction.ps1 -EnvironmentName 820d6103-3f73-4107-a1b2-3449a98f5049 -Path ./myFlowsWithHttp.csv


The scripts are designed to output a list of records in a .CSV file that will be created in the same directory as the script, unless specified otherwise. Each record represents a feature, so if there are multiple features in a single PowerApp or Flow, there will be multiple records (e.g., a Flow that uses a custom connector and Http action will have two records for the same Flow).

PowerApps with Custom Connectors

Lists connections to custom connectors being used in a PowerApp.


PowerApps with Premium Connectors

Lists connections to premium connectors being used in a PowerApp.


PowerApps with on Prem Connectors using Data Gateway

Lists connections to an On Premise gateway being used in a PowerApp.


PowerApps used as SharePoint custom forms

List PowerApps that are used as custom forms in the SharePoint List experience.


Flows with HTTP Actions

Lists Flows that use the HTTP request action.


Flows with Custom Connectors

Lists connections to custom connectors being used in a Flow.


Check back as we plan to add to this list!


  • 2019-03-12: Added 3 scripts: one to discover SharePoint custom form PowerApps, one for managing trial environments, and one for managing trial licences (contributed by Steve Jeffery)