RML Utilities for SQL Server

The SQL Server support team just released a set of tools (RML Utilities) to help database administrators manage the performance of Microsoft SQL Server. With the RML Utilities you can answer questions such as the following:


·         Which application, database or login is consuming the most resources, and which queries are responsible for that.

·         Whether there were any plan changes for a batch during the time when the trace was captured and how each of those plans performed.

·         What queries are running slower in today’s data as compared to a previous set of data.

You can also test how the system will behave with some change (different service pack or hot fix build, changing a stored procedure or function, modifying or adding indexes, and so forth) by using the provided tools to replay the trace files against another instance of SQL Server.  If you capture trace during this replay you can use the tools to directly compare to the original baseline capture.
This release of the utilities supersedes the previous version, as described in KB 887057.  The previous release continues to be available to customers who do not have SQL Server 2005.  This release supports SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000 trace file formats and should be used any time you have SQL Server 2005 in your environment.  This release contains important bug fixes, new features and performance enhancements over the prior release.

·         Supports SQL 2000 and SQL Server 2005

·         Quick Start Guide

·         Updated and Advanced Help Documentation

·         Stress Testing

·         Replay Capabilities

·         SQL Server Upgrade Assistance

·         Advanced Reporting and Performance Analysis

The utilities are useful for simulating application testing where using the real application is impractical or impossible.  For example, it may be difficult to generate the same user load in the test environment as you see in production.  You can capture another set of traces while performing the replay and compare the performance characteristics of the replay trace files to the original trace files.
The help file contains a Quick Start section that introduces you to each of the tools by walking through a brief exercise.  You can access the help file by going to Start | Programs | RML Utilities for SQL Server and selecting RML Help.xps.
To download the RML Utilities for SQL Server, visit the following Microsoft Web site
RML Utilities for SQL Server (x86) –  http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=7EDFA95A-A32F-440F-A3A8-5160C8DBE926&displaylang=en
RML Utilities for SQL Server (x64) –  http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=B60CDFA3-732E-4347-9C06-2D1F1F84C342&displaylang=en