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The short happy life of the data scientist 

There’s no better time to understand data: to really be able to look at a vast sea of data and, see the bigger picture. But how long will the good times really last?


Fighting crime with technology 

Like much of the public sector, police forces up and down the country are facing budget pressures with funding reductions and the government's drive to 'do more with less'.


Transforming healthcare delivery with technology 

Both the Department of Health and the NHS are committed to delivering a ‘digital first’ health and care system to deliver innovative and patient-driven health services across the UK. In February of this year, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt announced the government will invest £4.2 billion in NHS technology over the next five years. This aims to deliver a paperless NHS, and improve service delivery through a series of initiatives, both online and face-to-face. We explore how different Microsoft technologies have been used by a number of healthcare organisations to improve key areas of delivery.