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12 days of an AI Christmas 

We’ve summarised our year in AI with a twist on the classic “12 Days of Christmas” jingle, from the state of the AI in the UK and what opportunities it presents, as well as practical industry examples from our customers and partners.


How technology is modernising health and social care 

Amid ongoing concerns about the impact of austerity on critical services like adults’ and children’s social care and in the face of demographic pressures relating to an ageing population, optimism does not always abound in discussions about these services. However, despite, and often in direct response to some of these issues, an increasing number of


3 modern medical challenges solved by AI 

We’re going to be sharing a story every week for the 12 weeks of summer, showing you how healthcare organisations are using technology to transform patient outcomes and increase productivity. For the eleventh blog in the series, NHS consultant Neil Howell and Microsoft Partner Martin Neale of ICS.AI explore how artificial intelligence is transforming modern