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Becky Newell articles

Becky Newell
1 min read

Debugging Services in AX 2012 

Regardless of the adapter type you choose, services in AX 2012 run as IL code – even if you are using the file adapter.  To debug IL codeyou must use Visual Studio.
17 min read

Calling the Update Operation on Services in AX 2012 

Calling the update operation on web services can range from simpleto very complicated depending on the entities/tables you are updating.  If the entity you are calling is not a dateeffective entity, then the service’s update method is easy to call.
4 min read

Calling the Update Operation on the SalesOrderService 

The code is an example of how to call the update method on  sales order in AX 2012 using the SalesOrderService.   static void Main(string[] args)         {             //First find the order             AxdSalesOrder salesOrder = Program.FindOrder();             //Now update it             Program.
<1 min read

Creating General Journals in AX 2012 in X++ 

Due to popular demand, below is example code that creates a general journal in 2012 using X++ code:     AxLedgerJournalTable header = new AxLedgerJournalTable(); AxLedgerJournalTrans trans = new AxLedgerJournalTrans(); container  ledgerDimensions, offsetDimensions;     header.parmJournalName(“GenJrn”);;       trans.parmAccountType(LedgerJournalACType::Ledger);    trans.parmJournalNum(header.ledgerJournalTable().JournalNum);    ledgerDimensions = [“131100-USA”,”131100″, 1, “COUNTRY”,”USA”];    trans.parmLedgerDimension(AxdDimensionUtil::getLedgerAccountId(ledgerDimensions));    trans.parmAmountCurDebit(230);    offsetDimensions = [“0103-USA”,”0103″, 1, “COUNTRY”, “USA”];    trans.parmOffsetLedgerDimension(AxdDimensionUtil::getLedgerAccountId(offsetDimensions));    trans.
2 min read

Creating Financial Dimension Combinations in AX 2012 

In AX 2012 there are a couple of different ways you can programmatically create combinations of dimensions.  These combinations are saved as records in the DimensionAttributeValueCombination table.  The RecId from the DimensionAttributeValueCombination table is what is saved in the LedgerDimension field on the LedgerJournalTrans table.
1 min read

Financial Journal Dimension Table Relations on AX 2012 

The view DimensionAttributeLevelValueView gives you the individual segments entered in a journal including the main account and each of the selected financial dimensions.  There is a record created in the view for each segment of the transaction.
3 min read

Steps to Restore an AX Database 

In support we ask customers for backups of their databases to investigate issues that do not occur in the demo data.  We usually also request a copy of their application files so the code files match the database.
1 min read

How to Add the Voucher Field to Voucher Transactions 

The Voucher field is a key field associated with a particular General Ledger posting. Customers often use the Voucher field uponinquiry of accounting debits and credits to determine the source of thetransaction. In Dynamics AX 2012, the Voucher Transactions Inquiry form doesnot contain the Voucher field, by default.
3 min read

Threading in Dynamics AX 

Threading in AX 2009 is different from threading in C#.  In C# you can spawn up threads and have them do whatever they do.  The same thing is available in AX using the Thread class but it isn’t the optimal or recommended way to spawn threads in AX.  This is because AX has AOS instances and batches.
1 min read

How to Specify Range Values on a Query in a AX SSRS Report 

The steps below outline how to specify range values for a query that is used by an SSRS report and AX. 1.  In AX in the AOT model a query adding the tables you would like to specify as data sources.  For example, add the CustTable. 2.  To the data sources add your range fields.
1 min read

When you attempt to email customer invoices through AX 2009, you receive the “Print Management settings are not applicable” error message. 

When you attempt to email customer invoices through Dynamics AX 2009 using Print Management, you’ll receive the error message “Print Management settings are not applicable” if the Print Management settings are not established appropriately. The email destination option in Print Management works in conjunction with the ‘Do not print’ setting.