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Dynamics 365
1 min read

How to Add the Voucher Field to Voucher Transactions

The Voucher field is a key field associated with a particular General Ledger posting. Customers often use the Voucher field upon
inquiry of accounting debits and credits to determine the source of the
transaction. In Dynamics AX 2012, the Voucher Transactions Inquiry form does
not contain the Voucher field, by default. However, it can be easily added to
the Overview tab by taking the following steps:

  1. Open the Voucher Transactions Inquiry form.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the form, and then click Personalize to open the Personalization(1) form.
  3. In the Personalization(1) form, click the Add fields button to open the Select fields(1) form.
  4. In the Select fields(1) form, expand the ‘Subledger voucher to general journal
    entry association’  table, and then click on the Voucher field.
  5. Click the Add button, and then close the Select fields(1) form.
  6. Back in the Personalization(1) form, drag the Voucher field that you added so that
    it appears in the following node:  Tab | Overview | Overview Grid.
  7. Click the Save button in the Personalization(1) form and give it a name.
  8. Close the Personalization(1) form.

Once you have taken these steps, the Voucher field will be
on the Overview tab of the Voucher Transactions Inquiry form and you’ll be able
to utilize these field for identification of the debits and credits.