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Learn How to Navigate the New Frontier of Marketing on the Latest Modern Workplace

Today’s landscape of digital and social tools, sophisticated analytics, and internet-savvy consumers has resulted in a new frontier for marketers. Marketing has now entered the age of the empowered and informed buyer where the customer is at the center of every marketing decision. How can marketing executives respond and adapt to this rapidly changing environment?

On the June episode of Modern Workplace, the CMO’s of two leading brands discussed their strategies for delivering the types of breakthrough experiences today’s sophisticated customers both expect and demand:

  • Chris Capossela, CMO of Microsoft, discussed how Microsoft’s marketing strategy has evolved to “throw fewer pebbles and make bigger waves,” leading to more effective campaigns that build stronger customer relationships.
  • Amy Bohutinsky, CMO of Zillow Group, a leading online real-estate marketplace, explained how she helped grow Zillow’s marketing from the ground up to 30 million unique visitors with virtually no marketing budget.


We also went inside Microsoft’s Social Command Center to learn how they’re using social listening to connect with customers on a personal level, resulting in deeper customer relationships and increased sales.



Join us monthly on Modern Workplace for ideas about new ways to work. Each online episode includes interviews with business innovators who tell their story, provide actionable advice, and answer questions from our live, online audience. Tune in to learn about the smart technology solutions that businesses are using to connect, drive innovation, and grow their businesses.


Register today for the new season of Modern Workplace that begins September 22nd. Registered guests are invited to join us for live chat with studio guests and Microsoft Product Managers, both during and after the show, and will also receive exclusive access to whitepapers, e-books, and more.

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