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Dynamics 365

New Dynamics 365 integrations across Adobe Experience Cloud advance sales and marketing capabilities

We know that your business success is directly tied to how well you are equipped to respond to your customers in a digital environment. That’s why we’re pleased to continue delivering progress on our strategic partnership with Adobe. Our joint efforts are helping enterprises transform their customer experiences, and drive more efficient business processes.

Together with Adobe, we are announcing today that Dynamics 365 is now integrated with Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe’s industry leading content management solution in Adobe Marketing Cloud. Now available to our joint customers, this integration will help organizations optimize enterprise sales and lead management.

The value of this integration really extends from the data that underpins both solutions. Enterprise organizations can now design and connect rich marketing content with CRM data in Microsoft Dynamics 365 to transform how their sales and marketing organizations can collaborate and ultimately personalize brand experiences for their customers.

By connecting our solutions, we are helping companies to solve complex challenges and ultimately grow efficiently. Examples of improvement areas include:

  • Audience: Helping organizations move from disparate view of customers and poor segmentation, to a more holistic view with intelligent segmentation.
  • Workflow: Shifting from teams using multiple systems and processes for customer engagement, to integrated systems and a unified view that empowers actions, collaboration and productivity.
  • Personalization: Transitioning from manual process for defining and delivering customer experiences to data driven and automated content personalization.

Ultimately, customer experiences are the heart of succeeding in business today. Together with Adobe, we’re looking forward to partnering with organizations to help them better understand customer intent, and even predict where those intentions will move, providing intelligent personalization for customers and offering seamless integration for business users.

More details on today’s announcement are available here, and for more information about our partnership with Adobe and the range of joint solutions we offer, please visit our new Dynamics 365 solutions page.