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Dynamics 365

Webinar: Introduction to Dynamics 365 for Talent

The war for talent is more than a trending headline–it’s a reflection of an increasingly competitive landscape where people with the right skillset are in short supply. Savvy business leaders are embracing a talent success mindset, as they know how important employer brand and culture are to attracting A- players that deliver business results. This is putting tremendous pressure on HR leaders to rethink how they recruit, engage, and retain talented employees.

Creating a modern workplace where people can thrive is the top priority for businesses across all industries. The first step requires a complete overhaul of talent acquisition. Finding, recruiting, and hiring the right talent requires intelligent tools that automate processes and use AI to create an engaging candidate experience while helping people managers make smarter hiring decisions.

Watch this essential webinar for recruiting and HR professionals to get a compelling overview of the state of the digital workplace, learn what candidates and employees expect from employers, and gain tips to attract highly skilled people to your organization.

Learn how Dynamics 365 for Talent is your secret weapon to create a compelling recruiting experience that engages candidates and facilitates collaboration across the hiring team.

This introductory webinar will cover how to:

  • Digitally transform talent acquisition with a configurable process that empowers hiring managers
  • Use LinkedIn Recruiter with Dynamics 365 for Talent to help foster collaboration
  • Engage applicants and build quality candidate pools
  • Improve your time-to-hire and quality of hire

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