Portal capabilities for Dynamics 365: Deprecated Features
This impacts only customers who are using the features mentioned in this article. Deprecation means that we intend to remove the feature functionalities from a future release of portals. The features will continue to work and are supported until they are officially removed. However, we will not invest in new functionalities for the features. After removal, the features will no longer work.
What are getting deprecated?
The following features are being deprecated from portal capabilities for Dynamics 365:
Web Page Tracking
Web Page Tracking logs a record when a user views a web page in a web browser. The date/time and user’s IP Address are logged along with the identity of the user viewing the page. If the user is authenticated, the log is associated with the contact record related to the user, otherwise the anonymous identity is recorded.
Note: This functionality has a negative performance impact on portals and it is recommended not to use it for production.
Recommendation: It is recommended to use an analytics technology like Azure Application Insights to capture this kind of information. To setup Azure Application Insights for web applications, click here to find the details on how to set it up and obtain a JavaScript code snippet.
Once the JavaScript code snippet is obtained, it can be added to the Page Tracking content snippet available in your portal configurations or added to the Header web template to capture standard events. To capture information like contact records related to user, refer to custom event support of Azure Application Insights as described here.
Web File Tracking
Web File Tracking logs a record when a user downloads a web file in a web browser. The date/time and user’s IP Address are logged along with the identity of the user downloading the file. If the user is authenticated, the log is associated with the contact record related to the user, otherwise the anonymous identity is recorded.
Recommendation: It is recommended to use an analytics technology like Azure Application Insights to capture this kind of information. To setup Azure Application Insights for web applications, click here to find the details on how to set it up and obtain a JavaScript code snippet.
Once the JavaScript code snippet is obtained, it can be added to the Page Tracking content snippet available in your portal configurations or added to the Header web template to capture standard events. To capture information like contact records related to user, refer to custom event support of Azure Application Insights as described here.
Portals solution version 8.1.x.x
Solution version deprecation means that Microsoft will not be testing backward compatibility of these solutions with the latest version of portals code in future.
Click here to access the full list of all portal updates released to date and their corresponding KB articles.
Click here to access the portal capabilities for Microsoft Dynamics 365 official documentation.
Click here to access what’s new in portal capabilities for Dynamics 365.
Recommendation: It is recommended to upgrade your 8.1.x.x solution to the latest version.
Authentication/LoginTrackingEnabled site setting
Enables or disables tracking the user’s last sign-in. When set to true, the date and time are displayed in the Last Successful Sign-in field on the contact record. By default, this is set to false.
Recommendation: It is recommended to use an analytics technology like Azure Application Insights to capture this kind of information. To setup Azure Application Insights for web applications, click here to find the details on how to set it up and obtain a JavaScript code snippet.
Once the JavaScript code snippet is obtained, it can be added to the Page Tracking content snippet available in your portal configurations or added to the Header web template to capture standard events. To capture information like contact records related to user, refer to custom event support of Azure Application Insights as described here.