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Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog

It’s time to switch your Dynamics 365 Business Central browser to Microsoft Edge 

On April 2, 2021, Microsoft will remove Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft Edge Legacy browsers from the list of supported browsers for the Business Central modern clients. With the introduction of new Microsoft Edge that supersedes Edge Legacy and offers Internet Explorer mode for backward compatibility, now is the time for Business Central customers to make the switch. This applies to organizations using Business

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Resolve PO distribution errors in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 

When you update to Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management version 10.0.11 or later, you’ll get a new capability that enables you to reset purchase order accounting distributions. This feature is useful when distributions may be incorrect. This could occur because of a customization or other process issues, such as: Submission to purchase order workflow, including

5 min read

Verify hash function changes after update to Dynamics 365 Finance 2020 release wave 2 

In Dynamics 365 2020 release wave 2, the hash function for the dimension framework in Dynamics 365 Finance has changed. This change may cause breaks in your production and test code in some scenarios. This blog post explains how to inspect your code for impacted patterns and provides guidance about how to validate this functionality

2 min read

Simplify and automate compliance with asset leasing in Dynamics 365 Finance 

Change is constant. Today most organizations are experiencing challenges and making plans that they did not anticipate. In times like these, organizations do not have time to worry about reacting to changes in accounting regulations, yet they cannot risk leaving them unaddressed. A core tenant of Dynamics 365 Finance is to enable you to reduce risk, and to automate and modernize your global

Unlock insights and power personalized experiences with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights 

Today, people have access to more content, purchasing channels, and brand options than in the past, and their expectations for great customer experiences continues to grow, even in uncertain times. To win and retain loyal customers, companies need to understand, value, and build trust with them, and proactively serve them through seamless, personalized experiences on

1 min read

How to manage VAT rate changes in Dynamics 365 Business Central 

Many countries have turned to value-added tax (VAT) to stimulate their economy in response to the disruption of COVID-19. In addition, several countries are planning economic stimulus packages with VAT rate changes in response to COVID-19. For example, Germany recently lowered standard VAT rates from 19 percent to 16 percent, starting July 1 and continuing

2 min read

Dynamics 365 education accelerator update supports K-12 application development 

First, a heartfelt thank you to educators around the world. Many schools are now out for the summer, marking the end of a school year in the most uncertain of times. This spring, schools gave more to students than an education—they provided a sense of purpose, consistency, and normalcy. Teachers and school administrators worked relentlessly.

3 min read

Get the updated toolkit for easier deployment of solution-specific Help content 

If you’ve created your own custom solution for Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, or Dynamics 365 Commerce, you may be wondering how to connect your own Help content for the solution to the Help pane in the Finance and Operations client. Microsoft provides a toolkit to help you generate HTML files from the Microsoft Help repositories, generate

Deprecation of Voice of the Customer surveys on Dynamics 365 Marketing on July 1, 2020 

This only impacts Dynamics 365 Marketing customers who are using surveys based on the Voice of the Customer solution. As announced previously, Voice of the Customer is will be discontinued on July 1, 2020.  Therefore, all surveys based on Voice of the Customer within Dynamics 365 Marketing will also be discontinued. Please note that Dynamics

2 min read

Dynamics 365 nonprofit accelerator enhancements enable more automated experiences 

The Dynamics 365 nonprofit accelerator continues to evolve, enabling ISVs and other solution providers to quickly build industry vertical solutions tailored to the nonprofit sector. In this latest release, the accelerator addresses three critical nonprofit areas: Case Management, Project Management & Program Design (PMPD), and Operations. Case Management and PMPD enhancements include data model extensions

1 min read

Dynamics 365 Financial Services Accelerator now includes a preview for insurance 

The Dynamics 365 Financial Services Accelerator now includes a preview designed for the insurance industry. When you sign up for the preview, you’ll be able to check out an insurance data model, sample app, and dashboard that covers both property and casualty insurance, as well as life insurance. With the Insurance component, insurance companies, agencies,