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Dynamics 365

AX Content: Configuring budget plan templates

The Configuring budget plan templates white paper found here now includes steps on how to use the wizard available in cumulative update 7 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 to create a worksheet template. 

Budget planning web services have been added as part of the budget planning feature set for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 to support the creation of budget plan templates. When you use the budget planning fields made available through the budget planning web service, you can create templates for Microsoft Excel worksheets and Microsoft Word justification documents by using Microsoft Office Add-ins.

Budget plan templates are created by template authors or the designers of the budget planning process, and then they are made available to users who participate in the budgeting process. With budget plan templates, you can create Excel worksheets and Word justifications that are linked to the budget plan tables in AX 2012 R2.

With a budget plan justification, information can be exported from the budget plan to Word. The justification can be routed for feedback along with the budget plan, and Word features can be used to add text and comments, and to track changes.

With a budget plan worksheet, information can be imported from the budget plan to an Excel worksheet by using a budget plan template. For example, budget plan lines for multiple scenarios can be displayed in a columnar format. The data in the worksheet can be charted, analyzed, and modified in Excel, and then published back to the budget plan lines. The worksheet that was created from the template is automatically attached to the budget plan when it is submitted to workflow.

For more information on budget planning, basic budgeting and budget control in AX 2012, see the Budgeting topic on TechNet.  

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