Working with the message – System.ArgumentException: The endpoint associated with contract :HcmMassBenefitExpirationEngine is not found
I have seen a few instances with the following error:
“System.ArgumentException: The endpoint associated with
contract :HcmMassBenefitExpirationEngine is not found.
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.WCFDynamicProxy.DynamicProxyFactory.GetEndpoint(String
contractName, String contractNamespace)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.WCFDynamicProxy.DynamicProxyFactory.GetProxy(String
at RunAsync(interpret* ip)”
This error occurs when trying mass expire a benefit. The following steps will help you to allow this benefit to use the mass expiration functionality.
1. Click on AOT | Service Groups | HCMServices. Right Click on HCMServices and select Deploy Service Group
2. Once the deployment has completed, close the info log.
3. Click on AOT | Data Dictionary | Tables | AIFPortActionPolicy. Right click on the AIFPortActionPolicy Table and select Open.
4. We now need to create new record to enter the HCMMassBenefitExpirationEngineService.runExpirationProcess.
Press Control + N on the keyboard to add a new line.
In the Action ID field, select HCMMassBenefitExpirationEngineService.runExpirationProcess.
In the Port field, select AxClient
5. Save the record and close the form.
6. Close the Developer Workspace.
7. Click System Administration | Setup | Services and Application Integration Framework | Inbound Ports.
8. Select HcmService and click Deactivate. Once the deactivation is complete, click Activate to re-activate the service.
9. Select AxClient and click Deactivate. Once the deactivation is complete, click Activate to re-activate the service.
10. Close the Inbound Ports form.
11. Click on Human Resources | Common | Benefits | Benefits.
12. Select the Benefit you wish to mass expire and click on Mass Benefit Expiration.
13. Click on Expire.
As we can see, we were now able to mass expire the benefit.
Ryan S.