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Webcast: Database cloud backup and DR – a strategic imperative

The cloud is creating radical changes in how information technology is architected.  And its next big target just might be business continuity. Explosive data growth and new application types are causing enterprises to consider cloud as a strategic alternative to growing on-premises storage for backup and disaster recovery.

Many enterprises view backup and disaster recovery (DR) as an IT function that seems to provide little value, even though they must do it to support critical applications. Exponential data growth, shrinking backup windows, static budgets, and increasing deployments of business critical mobile, cloud and web applications are changing the backup and DR requirements. Traditional on-premises approaches for backup and DR cannot keep up with this explosive demand for new database administration requirements.

Join Forrester Research analyst Noel Yuhanna in this webinar as we talk about cloud and database trends, and why enterprises should make database cloud backup and DR part of your enterprise database strategy.

Register now for this webcast on improving business continuity by going to the cloud! The event takes place Wednesday July 2 at 9:00 AM Pacific.


 Noel Yuhanna
Principal Analyst Serving Enterprise Architecture Professionals
Forrester Research

Noel serves Enterprise Architecture Professionals. He primarily covers database management systems (DBMSes), infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), data replication and integration, data security, data management tools, and related online transaction processing issues. His current primary research focus is on customer usage experiences and broad industry trends of DBMS, IaaS, data security, enterprise data grids, outsourcing, information life-cycle management, open source databases, and other emerging database technologies.