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Finding your focus in a hybrid world

Work is no longer limited to the office or home. Over the last year, a new working model and paradigm has emerged that requires and expects unlimited network access and timely communication during standard business hours. We are multi-tasking more than ever, squeezing work in between our various life needs each day. Waiting in the parking lot to collect our children from school, standing in line for morning coffee, or sitting in the lobby of our dentist or doctor’s office are now prime opportunities to get work or personal to-dos done.

The question is: How do we manage and maintain our productivity and focus when everything (and everyone) is so distracted? Just as switching to remote work overnight had its challenges, getting into the groove again as we split time between multiple work venues also requires some adjustment. Why are there so many people here? Whose phone keeps chiming? Is this meeting in person or video? Let’s go for coffee! Where is that music coming from? Oh, look, doughnuts!

Whether you’re excited to jump back into office life or prefer the comfort of your home office, we’ve got some simple tips to help you no matter where you are.

Read on for simple strategies to find your focus.

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Organize your spaces

Office, home, park, coffee shop, or somewhere in between. Keep all your workspaces organized and chaos-free so your mind, eyes, and hands can clearly focus on the task at hand. If you’ve upgraded to Windows 11 the Snap feature enables you to arrange windows and other applications in a layout that you find most intuitive for how you work. Need to access your files wherever you are? Use OneDrive for remote access to your content stored in the cloud from your PC or mobile device.

Microsoft Edge, PowerPoint, Teams chat windows

Minimize distractions

Both work and home have their distractions. Loud coworkers, loud family members. Phones ringing, dogs barking. No good coffee. And, well, no good coffee. You get the point. But there are steps you can take to find your focus and minimize distractions in both locations.

Take breaks, often

While it might seem like taking breaks is the opposite of focusing, giving your mind the space to process information actually makes you more productive. When your mind isn’t actively engaged, it’s processing information and creating new connections—things that lead to fresh perspectives and breakthrough ideas. Aim to take a short break every 60-90 minutes to recharge your brain. Try setting an alert on your Calendar and think of it like a personal assistant nudging you to take periodic breaks from tasks to help you achieve your desired goal. If you have Windows 11, those reminders will also appear in your Calendar Widget.

Six different widgets

Commit to consistency

Whether you’re at home or at the office, create a consistent routine that puts you in the mindset to get things done. Just like a bedtime routine helps you wind down for sleep, this will let your brain know you’re ready to get down to business. Use the To-Do widget in Windows 11 to create a to-do list for your routine and check off the steps as you go. It could be as simple as making a fresh cup of coffee, giving yourself 15 minutes to catch up on news, and writing down your top three goals for the day ahead. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just consistent.

Wear pants (yes, every day)

It seems like a given, but we’ve all gotten really comfortable (maybe too comfortable?) lately. And the office definitely requires clothing. Our advice: Try getting fully dressed every day, even on the days when you’re working from home and you’ll only be visible on camera from the waist up.

Whether you’re back in the office full-time, or in a hybrid situation working from home a handful of days a week, there’s more adjustment ahead for everyone. It might take some time to fully get back in the swing of things. And that’s OK. Perhaps the best thing about this hybrid work world is its flexibility, so be open about what you need to be your best.

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