Stream your favorite movies, series & originals on Disney+
It starts on TikTok
Intelligent photo editing with Adobe Photoshop Elements
Imagination ready
Stay in touch and on schedule
The best things in life really are free
Everything talent needs to shine
Microsoft Word
Write like a pro with in-depth writing assistance. With intelligence in Word, editing your documents by yourself or with others has never been easier. 7
Microsoft Excel
You don’t have to be a wizard to get insights from your data. Excel has the tools to help experts and novices easily create spreadsheets, use modern formulas to calculate, and everything in between. 7
Microsoft PowerPoint
Tell your story with captivating presentations and present like a pro. PowerPoint empowers you to develop well-designed content across all your devices. With built-in intelligence, designing slides has never been easier. 7
Microsoft Outlook
Outlook helps you spend less time organizing your life and more time enjoying it. 7
Microsoft OneNote
From brainstorming ideas to researching and managing class projects, OneNote keeps all your important information in one place. 7
Office Mobile App
Get Word, Excel, & PowerPoint on the go. 7
Choose the browser that puts you first
- [+] Screens simulated. Features and app availability may vary by region.
- [*] Some apps shown coming later. Certain apps only available through Microsoft Store app in Windows 11.
- [1] Apps, games, and other content/subscriptions sold separately; free apps may contain ads or in-app purchases.
- [2] Microsoft 365 subscription sold separately.
- [3] Certain features require specific hardware, see Chatting via SMS is available in limited countries and will be made available to other geos on a rolling basis. Please refer to this page for more details. Internet access required, ISP fees may apply.
- [4] Disney+ subscription required. See terms.
- [5] TikTok Terms and Conditions.
- [6] Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023: 7-day free trial or purchase of app required. See terms.
- [7] Features and functionality may vary.
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