Technical Story
Just about anything can be ordered online these days. But when a machine breaks in a factory, a company must find a specialized reseller, make a call, pay retail prices, and await delivery. The founders of SparePartsNow GmbH of Aachen, Germany, want to disrupt this model. By combining their industry knowledge and Azure technologies, they seek to make SparePartsNow the universal spare parts platform for manufacturing. Azure services helped give the startup the scale and flexibility that it needed to do for manufacturing companies what online shopping websites have done for consumers. A small team of engineers accelerated the vision using event-driven, serverless Azure Functions code and cost-effective Azure App Service plans for website hosting. Since launching in October 2022, the SparePartsNow platform has impressed the market, becoming the only business-to-business (B2B) platform of its kind to connect leading parts manufacturers and end customers.
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