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Microsoft Security Intelligence
10 entries found.
Updated on Apr 20, 2007
Win32/Zlob is a family of Trojans that modify Internet Explorer settings, redirect the default internet search and home pages, and attempt to download and execute malicious software from the Internet.
Alert level: high
Updated on Jan 29, 2009
Trojan:Win32/Zlob.GL is a dropped component of Trojan:Win32/Zlob.GL!dr. Win32/Zlob refers to a large multi-component family of malware that modifies Internet Explorer's settings, alters and redirects the user's default Internet search page and home page, and attempts to download and execute arbitrary files (including additional malicious software). The Win32/Zlob family has also been associated with rogue security programs that display misleading warnings regarding bogus malware infections.
Alert level: severe
Updated on Mar 11, 2009
TrojanDownloader:Win32/Zlob.AFM is the detection for a BHO (Browser Helper Object) that may arrive in the system by being installed by a user. It may be installed by the user as it purports to be a "video codec"; the codec installer actually installs the BHO detected as this trojan.
Alert level: severe
Updated on May 27, 2009
Win32/Dontovo.A is a trojan that downloads and executes arbitrary files.
Alert level: severe
Updated on Jul 19, 2007
Alert level: severe
Updated on Dec 08, 2006
Alert level: severe
Updated on Jul 14, 2007
Alert level: severe
Updated on Oct 20, 2007
Alert level: severe
Updated on Feb 20, 2006
TrojanDownloader:Win32/Zlob is generic detection for a component of the greater Win32/Zlob malware family. Win32/Zlob refers to a large multi-component family of malware that modifies Internet Explorer's settings, alters and redirects the user's default Internet search page and home page, and attempts to download and execute arbitrary files (including additional malicious software). The Win32/Zlob family has also been associated with rogue security programs that display misleading warnings regarding bogus malware infections.
Alert level: severe
Updated on Sep 12, 2007
Backdoor:Win32/Nuwar.A!ini is a configuration file used by Backdoor:Win32/Nuwar.A!sys. The file is dropped by Backdoor:Win32/Nuwar.A!sys, and contains a list of peers to connect to, as well as other information pertaining to the Trojan’s distributed peer-to-peer network.
The file itself is not malicious, rather it is an indication of infection by Win32/Nuwar.
Alert level: severe