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Dynamics 365

ISV grows public-sector business with super-fast Microsoft Dynamics NAV implementations that ease regulatory financial compliance

INFOMA Software Consulting, a leading German public-sector ISV, built its solution newsystem public on the basis of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. More than 900 German public-sector entities already use the solution. Regulations mandate that all governmental bodies implement new financial standards and processes, so the many smaller and resource-limited entities also have to change the way they manage finances. For these customers, the company standardized on a preconfigured, optimized version of newsystem public that workers can be comfortable with after one and a half days of training. This approach incorporates many thousands of hours of technology and consulting experience on the INFOMA team. For implementations of the preconfigured solution, INFOMA also decided to streamline the implementation and project management, enabling customers to perform their tasks with the new finance management software after a minimal lead time. With the standardized version of newsystem public, INFOMA performs implementations in 8 to 10 days. Most small customers opt for the hosted solution during negotiations. With newsystem public in the cloud, customers receive important solution updates that help them comply with new regulatory mandates, in addition to upgrades and new features. They also benefit from the stringent data protection and application availability measures in place at the hosting data center.

With an optimized solution and a streamlined implementation approach, INFOMA generates significant business growth with delighted customers and has enhanced its competitive edge. Successful projects with these customers account for approximately 35 percent of the company’s implementations today. INFOMA also finds that it has an advantage over large competitors, such as SAP, whose offerings may lack the optimization for the public sector and may come with a complex pricing model, higher upfront costs, and features many customers find unnecessary. Says Daniel Riss, Consulting Practice Manager at INFOMA, “By keeping things as simple and practical as we could, we found a way to empower small public-sector customers with an effective financial management solution that lets them focus on their work and comply with regulatory mandates for public-sector finance.”