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Dynamics 365

How Fast Could You Grow with an ERP System?

I’m often surprised when I’m talking to small business owners and I mention enterprise resource planning. I get this look: “ERP? Me? I don’t think we’re ready for that at my company.”

So I was really glad to come across a paper that deals with the topic in a straightforward way: Focus Research’s Is Your Business Ready for ERP?

This paper shows you how to spot the signals that your organization is ready to make the transition to ERP. It answers the questions of when, why, and how your growing organization can move from spreadsheet-based or entry-level accounting software to an ERP system. 

I always tell people: You don’t have to be huge to get great value from ERP. You just have to be ready to grow.

Primo Water is a good example. They started in 2005 with a team of seven, and quickly outgrew the capabilities of their QuickBooks setup. The move to Microsoft Dynamics GP  helped position them for tremendous growth in just a few years. By 2009, they had more than 70 people and were generating almost U.S $47 million in annual revenue.

So take a look at the Focus Research paper —and get to know the signs of ERP readiness.