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Dynamics 365

Safety-Kleen saves more than $500K by switching from Salesforce to Dynamics CRM

By moving to Microsoft Dynamics CRM from and eliminating several stand-alone systems, Safety-Kleen Systems generated substantial financial savings even though the solution is available to many more employees. "By a conservative estimate, we save at least $500,000 per year in licensing costs, although we acquired many more Microsoft Dynamics CRM licenses than we ever had for," says Carla Rolinc, VP of IT. In addition, the company is saving close to U.S.$12,000 per year in no longer necessary licensing and maintenance fees for a mapping analytics tool that was previously in use, and avoided a one-time expenditure of $25,000 to have a programmer rewrite the tool to work with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

With Microsoft Dynamics CRM and integrated, updated supporting technologies, Safety-Kleen Systems employees can rely on a single resource to understand and connect with customers. In communications and engagements with customers, representatives rely on a unified, comfortable software environment for all tasks. Across Safety-Kleen Systems's sales organization, Microsoft Dynamics CRM has introduced efficiencies for representatives and managers. For starters, accessing a single software tool instead of five of them is much easier for mobile users in the field. "Today, salespeople are free to sell," says Rolinc. "By navigating a streamlined, integrated customer relationship management system, they can reduce the time they spend on administrative duties. On average, these tasks now demand between 10 to 15 percent of a salesperson's time-less than half of what it used to be. In producing customer quotes, sales representatives, on average, spend 20 percent less time than they used to."

The workflows in Microsoft Dynamics CRM help all solution users to consistently take the right steps in serving customers and record the progress of customer engagements accurately. Integration of Microsoft Dynamics CRM with other critical software tools, including the company's ERP system, delivers more than efficiency. It also fosters a decision-making and planning environment that can draw on current, reliable information. Says Rolinc, "Microsoft Dynamics CRM will be more and more pivotal in providing strategic data to the company. With data feeds in all directions and close-to-real-time, automatic updates, we can finally facilitate the comprehensive, consolidated reporting that leadership has demanded for a long time. It's also great that we can do this efficiently now, with a turn-around on reporting and other integrations that is at least 30 percent faster than it used to be."

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