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Dynamics 365

SOC creates happy, long term customers with a switch from

Specialists On Call (SOC), the largest provider of emergency telemedicine consultations to US hospitals, used to manage its sales cycle, when it brought new hospitals into the fold, but had no automated customer or patient management systems.

" was expensive and inflexible, and didn't help us after hospitals became customers," says Karen Deli, Executive Vice President for Specialists On Call. "We had very manual processes for managing our customer relationships and individual patient cases. We realized that these were two very important pieces of missing technology, and we needed systems for both that were reliable, scalable, and flexible."

To solve this, the company switched to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online in only 90 days-a project that cost US$200,000 less than other solutions and gave SOC a single system for managing sales, hospitals, and patient cases.

"By using a single system to manage sales, customers, and patients, we can more holistically manage all our customers over the long haul, in terms of tracking performance and customer satisfaction," Deli says. "A happy customer is likely to be a long-term customer and a good referral source."

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