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Dynamics 365

August release of Dynamics 365 Remote Assist doubles PDF resolution, adds other improvements

Applies to: Dynamics 365 Remote Assist (version 2.04)

The Dynamics 365 Remote Assist team is pleased to announce the August update of Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, which includes the following improvements:

  •  Doubled the resolution of PDF files on HoloLens to make them easier to read.
  •  It’s now easier to position windows exactly where you want them since they no longer snap to surfaces.

Improved window positioning

  •  App startup time is significantly faster.

Dynamics 365 Remote Assist now requires a minimum operating system version (version 1803–April 2018 update, build 10.0.17134). For more information on updating the HoloLens operating system, see Updating HoloLens. For information on using Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, see the Dynamics 365 Remote Assist documentation.