Get more done with OneDrive free cloud storage
Store your files and photos with OneDrive free cloud storage and access them from any device, anywhere.
Free cloud storage for your files and photos
Access anywhere
Access your documents, files, and photos across all your devices—everywhere you go.
Easy file sharing
Share your files and photos with friends and family.
Seamless collaboration
Work together on Office files and documents in real time.
Back up and protect
Don’t worry about losing files—if something happens to your device, they’re backed up in OneDrive.
Protect important files in Personal Vault
Store sensitive files and copies of your driver’s license and passport in OneDrive Personal Vault. It uses an extra layer of identity verification for added security.
Protected by comprehensive security
Secure and protect your OneDrive files with our comprehensive security features including file encryption, Personal Vault, virus scanning, suspicious activity monitoring, and other measures.
Free up space on your devices
Use OneDrive online cloud storage to make more room on your devices for apps and games.
Back up your photos automatically
Use the OneDrive mobile app to automatically back up the camera roll on your mobile device and save space.
Scan and store documents
More room for the stuff that matters
Need more space? Subscribe to Microsoft 365 for more storage, advanced protection, and access to premium apps.
Microsoft 365
Originally starting from Free now starting from Free
Free Free
5 GB of cloud storage
Free versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint
Microsoft 365 Basic
Originally starting from $19.99 now starting from $19.99
$19.99 $19.99
(Annual subscription–auto renews)
For one person
100 GB of cloud storage
Works on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android™
Web and mobile versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, OneDrive, and other apps
Ad-free Outlook and mobile email and calendar with advanced security features
OneDrive ransomware protection for your files and photos
Access to Microsoft support experts
Microsoft 365 Personal
Originally starting from $69.99 now starting from $69.99
$69.99 $69.99
(Annual subscription–auto renews)
For one person
1 TB of cloud storage
Works on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android™
Premium desktop, web, and mobile versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and other apps
Ad-free Outlook web, desktop, and mobile email and calendar with advanced security features
Advanced file and photo protection with OneDrive
Access to Microsoft support experts
Data and device protection with Microsoft Defender
Microsoft 365 Family
Originally starting from $99.99 now starting from $99.99
$99.99 $99.99
(Annual subscription–auto renews)
For up to six people
Up to 6 TB of cloud storage (1 TB per person)
Works on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android™
Premium desktop, web, and mobile versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and other apps
Ad-free Outlook web, desktop, and mobile email and calendar with advanced security
Advanced file and photo protection with OneDrive
Access to Microsoft support experts
Data and device protection for the entire family with Microsoft Defender
OneDrive for business (Plan 1)
Originally starting from $5.00 now starting from $5.00
$5.00 $5.00
(Annual subscription–auto renews)
File sharing
1 TB of cloud storage
Microsoft 365 Business Basic
Originally starting from $6.00 now starting from $6.00
$6.00 $6.00
(Annual subscription–auto renews)
Web and mobile versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook only
Chat, call, meet up to 300 attendees
1 TB of cloud storage
Business-class email
Manage customer appointments
Standard security
Anytime phone and web support
Microsoft 365 Business Standard
Originally starting from $12.50 now starting from $12.50
$12.50 $12.50
(Annual subscription–auto renews)
Everything in Business Basic, plus:
Desktop versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook
Easily host webinars
Attendee registration and reporting tools
Tools to create personalized documents and professional layouts
Follow Microsoft 365