Developer Experience Lab - rainbow header

Developer Experience Lab

Reimaging developer productivity

Measuring developer productivity can be challenging – there are many factors to consider beyond traditional activity-related metrics. Together, Microsoft and GitHub have created a more holistic way of measuring developer productivity that considers additional criterion like developer well-being and community.

What we do

Developer Experience Lab’s (DevExLab) mission is to discover, improve, and amplify developer work and well-being. We do this through socio-technical investigations in the following focus areas:


Investigate ways to measure and improve developer productivity so we can help developers do their work better, faster, smarter, and more securely. This includes investigations of low-code, no-code, and work at the intersection of code and ML and AI.


Study the ways that people communicate, collaborate, share knowledge, and build communities when they build software. An important aspect of this is making all kinds of software development more accessible, inclusive, and sustainable.


Investigate the intersections of happiness, satisfaction, and personal value with software development activities so we can find ways to make development more fun, enjoyable, and sustainable for individuals.

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DevExLab is a diverse set of investigators spanning across GitHub and Microsoft, and our investigations often include communities that span developers building products in open source, the enterprise, and emerging areas.

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The SPACE of Developer Productivity: There’s more to it than you think

Dr. Nicole Forsgren presents a deep dive into the SPACE framework, five dimensions of software development that provides a more complete picture of productivity and well-being.

Meet the team

DevExLab collaborates with some of the world’s foremost innovators in developer productivity, AI/ML, human-computer interaction research and more.

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