Portrait de A.J. Brush

A.J. Brush

Partner Group Program Manager

À propos

A.J. Bernheim Brush currently works on Microsoft’s Cortana digital assistant. She and her team build voice-forward experiences for Outlook, Teams and in Windows, including the Play My Emails feature in Outlook and Cortana on Teams devices. She previously spent 12 years in Microsoft Research. Her research area is Human-Computer Interaction with a focus on Ubiquitous Computing and Computer Supported Collaboration (CSCW). A.J. is most well known for her research on technologies for families and her expertise conducting field studies of technology. She co-led MSR’s Lab of Things project, a flexible open-sourced platform for experimental research that uses connected devices in homes and beyond. She has built and deployed numerous sensing systems into homes. She received an alumni achievement award in 2017 from UW’s Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science, a Borg Early Career Award in 2010, and has over 25 patents. Her research has received a 10-year impact award, 3 best paper awards, and several best paper nominations. A.J. is a member of the UbiComp Steering Committee, on the Advisory Board of the ACM Proceedings on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT),  and a Senior Member of the ACM. To encourage diversity in computing, she serves on the CRA-W board and was co-chair from 2014 – 2016.