Try our Block/JavaScript editor! (opens in new tab)
The BBC and partners, including Microsoft, announce the BBC micro:bit – a pocket-sized, codeable computer that allows children to get creative with technology. Nearly 1 million micro:bits were given to every 11 or 12 year old child in Year 7 or equivalent across the UK in 2016, for free.
“The simple truth is, being a maker matters. Real computing, doing not just consuming, will drive a creative revolution in this country. That’s why as a key partner in Make it Digital, Microsoft is helping to give a programmable micro:bit device to every year seven child in the country.”
Michel Van der Bel, UK CEO, Microsoft (opens in new tab)
The BBC micro:bit and TouchDevelop
The BBC micro:bit (opens in new tab) is a small device that can be programmed to light up using a series of tiny LEDs. A fun introduction to programming and making – switch on, program it to do something fun – wear it, customize it, develop new ideas. The first wave of BBC micro:bits will hit UK schools this fall.
To bring the BBC micro:bit to life in 2015, Microsoft has developed an enhanced version of their popular TouchDevelop (opens in new tab) web application and hosting service. This means the micro:bit has its own dedicated website, Microsoft Azure (opens in new tab) hosting for all one million micro:bits and a range of online code editors available from most any modern web browser.
Microsoft also has supplied two languages/editors – TouchDevelop, a text-based language, and the Block Editor, a graphical coding language. The TouchDevelop web app holds all the code editors built for the micro:bit, runs the micro:bit simulator, sends the code to the ARM compiler (opens in new tab) and brings back the compiled files to be sent to the micro:bit.
Supporting the UK Teachers
With close to a million micro:bits hitting the classrooms in the Autumn, it is critically important that the Year 7 children are supported by knowledgeable teachers with interesting and engaging projects right from the get go. Microsoft has put together a complete package of materials that can help get teachers up and running and support them through the school year. This includes:
- A Quick Start Guide, which takes teachers from a basic understanding of the device through to exciting games and tutorials;
- extensive online documentation for the micro:bit and the code editors
- workshops for teaching partners and direct connections between the coding environment and the Computing at School (opens in new tab) community
Do more with the micro:bit
- Kodu for micro:bit (opens in new tab) has new programming tiles that allow interaction with the micro:bit. With these new tiles, you can control character movement using the accelerometer, jump and shoot with a button press, display animations and scrolling text on the screen, interface with other devices through the IO pins, and much more.
- Windows 10 app with BLE connectivity to micro:bit, in development.
- Ars Technica: (opens in new tab)
- BBC: (opens in new tab)
- cnet: (opens in new tab)
- Engadget: (opens in new tab)
- The Guardian: (opens in new tab)
- The Independent: (opens in new tab)
- PC World: (opens in new tab)
- TechCrunch: (opens in new tab)
- WinBeta: (opens in new tab)
- Wired: (opens in new tab)