SQL Server 2012 CTP3 Now Available in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Is SQL Server 2012 cloud ready for Microsoft partners? You bet! You already know that SQL Server 2012 CTP3 is helping customers bridge private to public cloud, but did you know that it is also forming a strong foundation for partner-hosted cloud solutions as well?

Now the SQL Server community has another easy way to experience SQL Server 2012 CTP3. Amazon is now offering customers the opportunity to try SQL Server 2012 CTP3 in their Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) environment. Amazon EC2 users will be able to use SQL Server Code 2012 CTP3 in the Amazon cloud in the same way they can deploy SQL Server 2008 R2 today. Users will be able to try SQL Server 2012 CTP3 for a small hourly fee.

Over the last few years, service provider partners offering SQL Server has grown considerably with thousands of partners now offering SQL Server in a hosted or cloud solution. For you, the benefits are more choice and flexibility in how and where you deploy SQL Server. Look for future updates as we learn of other service provider partners offering SQL Server 2012 CTP3 in the coming weeks.