A Stand Out Performance by KillaDBA

This post was authored by Nikki Thomas


Two weeks ago, we welcomed special guest performer Homer McEwen (aka KillaDBA) to SQL Saturday. The database administrator from Atlanta writes and records songs about SQL Server to help others gain a better understanding of the platform. And although his songs are innovative, engaging, and seriously catchy, it’s Homer’s down-to-earth personality and passion for music and technology that make him really stand out.

Onstage, Homer performed four songs, including his latest “I’m in Love With an IT Girl.” He captivated the crowd with a mix of onstage rapping, interacting with people on the floor, and sharing his insights and gratitude in between songs. The audience really got into the performance too—singing along, filming on their phones, and taking selfies with Homer afterward. If you haven’t heard Homer’s music yet, check it out here or watch the recap video at the end of this post.

Homer told us that being at SQL Saturday was the pinnacle for him. But after seeing him perform live, we know that Homer has more great things in store. We’d like to send a big thank you to Homer for joining us and sharing his passion for SQL Server.

If you missed this SQL Saturday event, be sure to check out our other events coming up in cities around the world.

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