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TechEd Europe Days 2-4: Blogs, Tweets, and Videos

The first day’s keynote out of the way, online chatter about TechEd Europe 2010 turned to session reporting, the announced naming of Configuration Manager 2012 (formerly “v.Next”), and continued absorption of Microsoft’s initiatives in cloud computing, Hyper-V Cloud in particular.

To give you a kind of wrap up of the goings-on of the past several days, and, as previously, to give a virtual shout-out to some of the more notable voices from the community, here are some blog posts we found interesting, along with a small selection of Twitter personalities. I’m also including an aggregation of the related videos that we’ve put together, including those that TechNet Edge’s David Tesar, Joey Snow, and Adam Carter (BOMB) shot on site in Berlin….

See the System Center Team Blog for the full post.