medical provider working in a lab

Healthcare providers

Discover how healthcare provider organizations are transforming health technology and reengineering their businesses to personalize the patient experience, accelerate data interoperability, empower care teams, and improve health outcomes.

Reimagine the way you address healthcare challenges

Empower healthcare organizations of all sizes to reimagine the ways they bring together people, processes, and health data insights to improve care delivery. Discover healthcare provider solutions to better enable personalized care, empower care teams, and improve operational outcomes within a secure and compliant environment.

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Learn how Microsoft can support providers

See how providers use Microsoft healthcare solutions

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Reducing adverse events with data insights

Applied machine learning and clinical analytics reduced adverse ICU events by 44%.

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Capturing patient insights to improve patient care

Concierge customer service creates a personalized patient experience and increases call to appointment conversion by 42%.

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Delivering a 360-degree view to support patient needs and wellness

Business applications give employees the tools to optimize patient care and reduce costs.

Woman sitting up in bed in hospital setting

Helping Australians live longer, healthier lives

Holistic patient information support Bupa staff in providing a personalized experience and producing better outcomes.

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