A woman in a wheelchair smiling in front of a graphic background

The Microsoft Middle East & Africa accessibility ambition

Acting with boldness to empower everyone to achieve more.

To build an inclusive future, everyone must be included in the journey. Discover how to build an accessible organisation that drives inclusion and innovation for all.

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Empower your people

Maximise your organisation's potential by building a culture that represents everyone. Organisations that are inclusive and accessible are more innovative and resilient.

Discover inclusive hiring practices

Support different ways of working

Grow your workforce's skills

Three fingers laying down on a surface, with a graphic background
Building a diverse workforce

"Having a diverse group of people working for you actually enhances the ability of an organisation to prosper," says Mahomed Khatri, Evenbreak account manager.

Build inclusive hybrid places

With 73 percent* of employees wanting flexible working options, discover how to foster an inclusive, supportive hybrid workplace.

Start your accessibility journey

Grow an inclusive and diverse culture

Drive accessible practices

A man working on a desk using tools
Closing the digital divide

Discover how SeeAbility is working to close the digital divide in the Middle East & Africa and empowering people to upskill, stay connected and work together through technology.

Create accessible processes

Accessible technology and processes can help unlock opportunities across society and optimise how we connect and collaborate.

Build solutions for everyone

Optimise the way you work

Amplify human capability

A woman with black and purple hair looks at the camera
Driving accessibility innovation

At Microsoft, we're continuously growing in our accessibility journey. This is why we're working with Signly to add sign language to our website.

Partners and Startups engagement

African American boy playing on tablet with his younger brother

Get additional support

The Enterprise Disability Answer Desk is a support resource for organisations that have questions about the accessibility of Microsoft products and product compliance.

Get customer support and extra resources for accessibility in Microsoft products and use of assistive technology.

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